CIS Investment Claim

Have you ever had an Investment with CIS?

Our biggest Investment win is £69,011.06

Our average Investment win is £5,562.57

If you answered yes to the above question there is a chance that your CIS Investment policy was mis-sold and you could be due compensation.

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How do I know if I was mis-sold a CIS Investment policy?

Your attitude to risk was not assessed

Many advisors did not take into account the level of experience consumers had.

A stocks and shares investment has potentially high returns but also comes with increased risk that often didn’t match the attitude of the customer.

Alternatives to the investment were not discussed

There are a number of different options available when making an investment.

Many advisors did not discuss all the options with the consumer, often not giving them enough information about safer options.

Paying off existing debt

As a general rule of thumb, you should reduce or pay off any existing debt before investing.

Many advisors did not discuss any existing debt which meant the investment was often realistically unaffordable.

Importance of having an emergency fund in place

You should aim to have a sufficient emergency fund in place before investing

The level and accessibility of the emergency fund was often not assessed correctly, leaving the consumer in a precarious position.

If you were sold a stocks and shares investment, you could be eligible for:

Compensation to put you back in the position you would be in if you had been advised with the correct investment.

An additional 8% Compensatory Interest can often be added to any investment loss suffered.

This is all possible even if you no longer have the investment or you have no paperwork.

We have specialist teams that can also win cases where you have been told you are ‘out of time’ or the firm that sold the investment are no longer in business.

You do not need to use a CMC to make a complaint to a provider or other compensation scheme, such as the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). If your complaint is not successful you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) yourself fee free.

Why Choose Us?

No Upfront Fees

It IS Your Money will never charge you a penny to set up a complaint.

No Win, No Fee

If we don’t win you anything, we don’t charge you anything.

No hidden charges

Unlike other companies we have no extra costs we’re not telling you about.

High success rate

We have a very high success rate spread across many thousand happy customers.

Fast turnaround

We want to win your claim, fast. We don’t get paid until you’ve been paid.

Proven track record

Our experience goes a long way, we’ve won thousands of cases in our time.

Small company

We offer a bespoke service with no hold music and a person on the phone within seconds.

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We claim against the following Investment providers plus many others

Abbey Life | Abbey National Life | Aegon | Alba Life Limited | Albany Life Assurance | Alliance & Leicester | Allied Dunbar Assurance | American Life Insurance | Aviva | AXA | AXA Equity & Law | AXA Sun Life | AXA Wealth | Bank of Scotland | Barclays | Barclays Bank | Barclays Life | Barclays Wealth | Blackhorse Life | Bradford & Bingley | Britannia Life | Britannic Assurance | Canada Life | Cannon Lincoln | Cazenove Capital | Century Life | Charles Stanley | Chase De Vere | CIS | City Financial | City of Westminster Assurance | Clerical Medical | Clydesdale Bank | Co-Op Savings & Insurance Services | Co-Operative Insurance Services | Colonial Mutual | Combined Life Assurance | Commercial Union Life Assurance | Cornhill Insurance | Countrywide Assured | Crusader Insurance | Eagle Star | Evelyn Partners | Friends Life | Friends Provident | GE Life | General Accident | Guardian Financial Services | Halifax | Hambro Assured | HBOS | Henderson Global Investors | Hill Samuel Life | HSBC | HSBC Investment Services | Imperial Life | Invesco Perpetual | Irish Life Assurance | Laurentian Life | Legal & General | Liberty Life | Life Association of Scotland | Lincoln Financial Group | Lincoln National | Lloyds | Lloyds TSB Life Assurance | London & Manchester | London Life Limited | Manchester Unity Assurance | Manu Life | Marine & General | Medical Sickness Society | Merchant Investors Assurance | MGM Assurance | National Mutual Life | National Mutual Life Association of Australasia | National Mutual Life Assurance | National Provincial | Nationwide | Natwest | Niche Private Clients | Northern Rock | Norwich Union | Old Mutual | Pearl Assurance | Phoenix Life | Pioneer Mutual | Providence Capital | Provident Life | Provident Mutual Life Services | Prudential Assurance Company Limited | Quilter | Rathbones | RBC Brewin Dolphin | RBS | ReAssure | Refuge Assurance | Regency Life | Royal & Sun Alliance | Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) | Royal Life | Royal Liver | Royal London | Royal Scottish Assurance | Saltus | Sanlam | Santander | Save & Prosper | Scottish Amicable | Scottish Equitable | Scottish Life | Scottish Mutual | Scottish Provident | Scottish Widows | Sesame | St James's Place | St James's Place Wealth Management | Standard Life | Stonehage Fleming | Sun Alliance & London Assured | Sun Life Financial of Canada | Swiss Pioneer Life | The Co-Operative | TSB | United Friendly Insurance | Wesleyan Assurance Society | Windsor Life Assurance | Winterthur Life | Woolwich Life | Yorkshire Bank | Yorkshire General | Zurich Assurance

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